Motorcycle Club
Northern Nevada
Boozefighters Motorcycle Club (BFMC)

It was 1946 when a man named Willie Forkner crashed through a fence during a race and joined in the fun. The club he was in didn’t find it as funny as Willie did, so they kicked him out.Willie took it in stride and went about finding others who shared his outlook on life, and opinion of a good time. He didn't have to look long or far; Fatboy Nelson, Dink Burns, George Menker, and more, were ready for a change, and a break from the formalities of clubs at the time.
The Boozefighters Motorcycle Club was formed at the All American Bar in Los Angeles. A place whose name befitted the many WW 2 veterans who founded our club - they had “been there and done that”, and the quiet life just wasn't in them any longer. They were not “outlaw bikers” per se’, just a bunch of American men that needed a little more excitement that the average Joe.So, the Boozefighters were formed and future legends were born.
A movie was made called The Wild One; it starred Marlon Brando and Lee Marvin, and told the story of 1947’s infamous “riot” in Hollister, California. Lee Marvin’s character was called “Willie”, and yes, the character was based on our founder Willie “Wino Willie” Forkner, 1920 - 1997.Today the Boozefighters Motorcycle Club has members worldwide. We have a long Green and White history, we drink, we get loud, we have fun.We are a drinking club with a Motorcycle problem!